Powered by Adobe Commerce 2.4.6-p4


Facebook Shop Integration

by MexBs
This is an Integration with a Third Party Service. Other charges and fees may be required to use this extension on your Store


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The extension helps you to set up a Facebook shop within a few steps. The extension works by uploading a feed of your Magento products to your Facebook shop. To start selling on Facebook, install the extension and create your Facebook shop using the comprehensive extension user guide. Afterward, use the extension to run the product synchronization that will upload your products to your Facebook shop or your Facebook Catalog.

Once set up, Facebook users can browse, like and share your products on Facebook. The user that wants to buy your product can select the product options directly in the Facebook shop. Afterward, he is sent directly to the Magento checkout, with the product in his cart. That creates a smooth buying experience and prevents cart abandonment. 

The Facebook shop is visible on both mobile and desktop. That is Facebook users can see your shop on all available devices: phones, tablets, computers, and others.

In addition to a Facebook shop, the extension helps you creating a Facebook Catalog in your Facebook Business Manager. The Facebook Catalog allows you to create and run Facebook Dynamic Ads to promote your products. The Dynamic Ads work with the Facebook Pixel that lets you track your ads performance and conversions. The Facebook Catalog also allows you to tag your products on Instagram. 


Account & Pricing

A free Facebook account and Facebook Business Manager account is required to use all features of this extension.


Key Features

Works On Mobile & Desktop Devices 

The extension integrates your Magento store with the Facebook shop. The Facebook shop is a native Facebook app. Therefore, it shows up on both mobile and desktop devices.


Sync Products With Facebook

The extension synchronizes your Magento products with the Facebook shop. That is, any product change on Magento will be reflected in your Facebook shop. That includes the product name, description, price, special price, and other product fields available on the Facebook shop.


Display Configurable Product Options On Facebook 

The extension makes it possible to display the options of the configurable products in the Facebook shop. That allows the customer to select the product options directly on Facebook, creating a smooth shopping experience.


Display Custom Options On Facebook 

The extension displays the custom options of your product in the Facebook shop. Similarly to the configurable options, the customer selects the custom options of the product directly on Facebook.


Sends Customer Directly To Magento Checkout

When the customer is ready to buy the product in the Facebook shop, he clicks "Checkout on Website." That takes him to the Magento checkout with the product added to the cart (with the selected product options). That creates a smooth checkout experience, minimizing the chances of checkout abandonment. 

You can also configure the extension to send the customer to the product page instead if you prefer.


Display product prices with or without tax

The extension allows you to display product prices with (or without) tax in the Facebook shop.


Display product prices with catalog rules applied

The extension allows you to display the product prices with the catalog rules applied on Facebook. Facebook will show the catalog price as a "sale price".  If the product also has a special price, the extension will display the lowest among them as a "sale price."


Track Facebook Shop / Dynamic Ads conversion

The extension implements a conversion tracking feature. Whenever a customer comes to your Magento website from the Facebook shop and places an order within 90 days, the extension will mark the order. This way, you will be able to gauge how effective is your Facebook marketing is.


Select the products that will show up in the Facebook shop

The extension lets you select the products that you want to be in your Facebook shop. The extension will only sync and display the products that you marked to be added to the feed.


Create Mappings For Facebook Fields

The extension allows you to create mappings between the Facebook product fields and the Magento product attributes. For example, you can create a different product description for the products in the Facebook shop. 


Schedule Feed Generation

The extension uses a feed file to synchronize your Magento products with your Facebook shop. It allows you to schedule the feed generation or to trigger it manually at any time.


Browse Feed Generation Logs

The extension keeps the feed generation logs. You can browse them to see the following:  

  • Feed generation status
  • Feed generation date and time
  • Who triggered the feed generation (manually or by cron)  
  • Products that were added to the feed
  • The error messages that were thrown (if any)
  • The store that the feed was created for

The logs are a great way to keep track of your feed health. They are also essential to have in the case that something goes wrong. 


Works On Magento Multi-Store Setup

The extension supports Magento multi-store. That is, if your Magento website has a multi-store setup, you can integrate each store with a different Facebook shop. The extension does it by generating separate feeds per store. You can schedule feed generations per store at the same or different times. You can also generate the feed immediately for any specific store at any time.


Supports Instagram Shopping

Once you finish installing the extension and setting up the feed, you can enable Instagram shopping. Instagram shopping allows you to tag your products in your Instagram posts. Instagram shopping is a great feature to increase the exposure of your brand.


Supports all types of checkouts

The extension supports all types of checkout available on Facebook: the external checkout (i.e., checking out on your website), the native Facebook checkout (i.e., checking out on Facebook), and the "Message to buy" method.



Additional Features

  • No monthly charges
  • Supports Facebook Dynamic Ads – once the Facebook catalog  is set up using the extension, you can start creating the Facebook Dynamic Ads
  • Compatible with most of the Facebook Pixel extensions - the extension has highly flexible configurations that allow you to set up the product IDs to match most of the Facebook Pixel extensions.
  • For the children products of a configurable product, the extension
  • The extension auto-corrects common problems with the product title and the description - it removes disallowed tags, makes sure it is not all caps, and trims it to match the max length.


Our Policy

  • 100% open source
  • Free installation
  • 90 days free support
  • 25-day Refund Policy



Demo Facebook Shop


Software Updates

By purchasing a license of the extension, you also get free software updates for a lifetime. We are already working on new cool features. And all this is free for you!



I have more questions, how can I contact you? You can send us questions/requests to sales@mexbs.com, or contact us through our contact form on the website. We will answer you as fast as possible!

Technical Specifications

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Seller profile


Seller contact




Current Version


Adobe Commerce platform compatibility

Adobe Commerce (cloud): 2.4 (current), 2.2 (obsolete), 2.3 (obsolete)

Adobe Commerce (on-prem): 2.4 (current), 2.1 (obsolete), 2.2 (obsolete), 2.3 (obsolete)

Magento Open Source: 2.4 (current), 2.1 (obsolete), 2.2 (obsolete), 2.3 (obsolete)


Stable Build


10 February, 2024


Extensions, Marketing, Advertising

Supported Browsers

Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Edge, IE

Quality Report

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Installation & Varnish Tests


Coding Standard


Plagiarism Check


Malware Check


Marketing Review


Manual Testing


All tests were conducted on the latest versions of Adobe Commerce that existed for the compatible release lines at the moment of the extension submission. Latest versions of all other software were used, as applicable.

Release Notes

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  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    PHP 8.2, Magento 2.4.6.-p3 compatibility


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    Made compatible with PHP 8.2


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    Tested on Magento 2.4 with PHP 8.1


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    - Fixed a bug with multiple currencies
    - Added the column "Is customer from Facebook" to the order grid
    - Fixed a bug with ACL


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    - Added setting to add all products to the feed (instead of marking them individually)
    - Added ability to enable tracking
    - Added setting to redirect all products to checkout / product page from Facebook or to use the value that is set in the product
    - Added setting not to display custom options on Facebook


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    - Ability not to add prefixes to the ID
    - Ability to use SKU for the product ID
    - Ability to set a default brand in the configurations


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    - Added ability to not use the prefix in the product ID
    - Added ability to select whether to use the SKU or the ID fro the product ID in the feed
    - Added ability to not use the configurable product ID as the prefix in the variants


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    - Tested on 2.4
    - Added the ability to use the picture from the parent product
    - Added the ability to add non-visible items to the feed
    - Ability to add prices of products including taxes


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.2 2.3
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.1 2.2 2.3
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2 2.3
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    Fixed the inventory quantity
    Fixed the images URL in multi-store
    Fixed the progress numbers


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.1 2.2 2.3
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2 2.3
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    Added new features:
    - Supports all configurable options
    - Supports custom options
    - Ability to resize the image to match Facebook shop dimensions
    - Auto-detect if the user came from Instagram, and if yes - redirect from child product to the parent product


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.1 2.2 2.3
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2 2.3
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    - Feature: if the child product is missing an image - use the parent product
    - Bug fix: if the special price didn't have a "to" date, it didn't work
    - tested for Magento CE 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and Magento EE 2.1, 2.2, 2.3


  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    First release of the Facebook Shop Integration extesnion


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The best place to start if you need help with a specific extension is to contact the developer. All Adobe Commerce developers have both a contact email and a support email listed.

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